Who We Are
It is our hope that you will know that the Lord loves you very much...for You are his beloved child! And that this is a place where you BELONG just as you are; where you can have the opportunity to BELIEVE in God's gifts of grace and love; and where you can fully BECOME the person God has created you to be. We seek to share this Good News of Jesus Christ with all and to grow in his grace. The Bible is a story of relationship and in I John 4:27 we find this truth: "We love because He first loved us." This is at the heart of our mission as a church here on Cape Cod and in the mid-cape community and in the world. We have received God's grace and we find our joy in living and serving as disciples of Jesus Christ. He challenged us to follow this command: "To love the Lord with all our heart, soul, mind and strength; and to love our neighbor as ourselves." (Luke 10:27)
Our Staff
Rev. Johnny Agurkis
Church Administrator
Joan Thompson
Director of Music Ministries
Mary Avellar
Church Organist
Sara Pattie
Frank Cornwall
Pastor Emeritus
Rev. Thomas Nelson